Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Gift card shopping
I did some shopping with my Christmas gift cards yesterday - fun! At A.C. Moore I bought some yarn for a baby layette for my sister's first grandchild, a boy, due in February, some Kroy sock yarn, and some Sugar and Cream cotton for Mason Dixon bibs (two co-workers are also expecting babies in February) - one girl, one boy) With my Dress Barn gift card, I bought two sweaters and a jacket - and they were on sale too! With my Purely Alpaca gift certificate I ordered some Alpaca yarn in a great shade of purple. I think it will become some 'thrum' mittens, if I ever get a chance to make them. Aren't gift cards fun!!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Party
Last night was our Christmas party for our friends. I always make too much food, and then everyone brings a dish as well. We did a Mexican theme this year, complete with very yummy Margaritas! We always have a "Yankee Swap". For those of you who do not know what that is - everyone brings a gift. We pick numbers and the person with #1 chooses a gift and opens it. #2 chooses a gift, opens it, and can either keep it or trade with #1, #3 opens and can keep or trade with #1 or #2, etc, etc, I got this great snowman
I knew I would lose it, and I did, for one of those Hickory Farms cheese and sausage packages. But DH came through and stole it back for me when it was his turn. We had a good time - the mess is all cleaned up, and it is very quiet around here today! I think I may actually have some time to knit.

One Skein Angel Surprise
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 23, 2006
And So It Is Christmas
My last day of school before Christmas break was yesterday. The tree is trimmed,
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.
the presents are wrapped, and the house is decorated and clean (well sort of). 
The knitting isn't finished and the cookies aren't baked, but Christmas is coming anyway - ready or not. There are cookies at the bakery - and there is always next year to finish the knitting.
We'll be picking up my oldest son, Scott, at the airport tomorrow afternoon (He's flying in from Austin, Texas) and then going to my daughter, Diana's house for Christmas Eve dinner. She is promising fresh scallops this year (she married into a family of fishermen). On Christmas morning everyone will come here for brunch and we will have our 'tree'. That is the Downeast Maine term for opening presents. Christmas night will be relaxing and lazy with a light dinner, since we all really fill up on brunch. On Tuesday, I'll be getting ready for our annual Christmas party on Wednesday, for friends and neighbors. Everyone brings a dish (there is always way too much food) and a gift for the "Yankee Swap". Good times with good friends.
The rest of the week will be 'downtime' and I am looking forward to that! New Year's Eve we usually babysit the grandkids - we stopped going out for New Years when we couldn't stay awake until midnight! Can it really be almost 2007?
A very Merry Christmas from our house to yours!

We'll be picking up my oldest son, Scott, at the airport tomorrow afternoon (He's flying in from Austin, Texas) and then going to my daughter, Diana's house for Christmas Eve dinner. She is promising fresh scallops this year (she married into a family of fishermen). On Christmas morning everyone will come here for brunch and we will have our 'tree'. That is the Downeast Maine term for opening presents. Christmas night will be relaxing and lazy with a light dinner, since we all really fill up on brunch. On Tuesday, I'll be getting ready for our annual Christmas party on Wednesday, for friends and neighbors. Everyone brings a dish (there is always way too much food) and a gift for the "Yankee Swap". Good times with good friends.
The rest of the week will be 'downtime' and I am looking forward to that! New Year's Eve we usually babysit the grandkids - we stopped going out for New Years when we couldn't stay awake until midnight! Can it really be almost 2007?
A very Merry Christmas from our house to yours!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Two of a Kind
I have a friend named Dottie who lives in New Jersey. We have been best friends since 7th grade. We were inseperable through Jr. High and HS - then life got in the way. She got married - I went to college, I got married and moved away - we kept in touch as often as we could, but hadn't seen in other in years, when along came the miracle of the internet and we reconnected about 8 years ago. Since then we e-mail every day, and visit a couple times a year either in Maine or NJ. Anyway, we mailed our Christmas gifts to each other and both received them on the same day. I made her a shawl (she is always chilly at work)
(for my Whoduknit friends - this shawl is also for Grandmama Ellison) I included an antique pin that I found at a craft fair.
In her package to me was a hand painted lighthouse (I collect lighthouses), and a pair of gold earrings.
I didn't see the little box with the earrings under the tissue paper, and she didn't see my little box with the pin under my tissue paper. So...
We each sent e-mails thanking each other for the gifts - she didn't mention the pin, I didn't mention the earrings. So we each e-mailed back and asked about them - I think we probably each said OMG at the same time! and rushed to find the box, that fortunately neither of us had thrown out. So, okay, maybe you had to be there to appreciate how funny this was - but aren't old best friends just the greatest!

In her package to me was a hand painted lighthouse (I collect lighthouses), and a pair of gold earrings.

We each sent e-mails thanking each other for the gifts - she didn't mention the pin, I didn't mention the earrings. So we each e-mailed back and asked about them - I think we probably each said OMG at the same time! and rushed to find the box, that fortunately neither of us had thrown out. So, okay, maybe you had to be there to appreciate how funny this was - but aren't old best friends just the greatest!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Whoduknit Holiday Swap

I received the most amazing package from my Whoduknit Holiday Swap SP, Patty. Patty and I have been friends since I was her upstream SP in a KTC book swap and we e-mail often. Little did I suspect that she was my SP in this swap - very sneak Patty! I don't even know where to start! First there were 5 books! The Christmas Thief by Mary and Carol Higgins Clark, Chill Before Serving by Cynthia Lawrence, Shakespeare's landlord by Charlaine Harris, Blind Side by Penny Warner and The Trouble with Magic by Madelyn Alt. I have not read any of these books, and can't wait to read them! Then there were a bunch of post cards from Florida, where she lives, a beautiful crocheted star (I had admired her stars when I saw them on her blog)

I am really overwhelmed with her generosity (and sneakiness LOL). This was way over the top for the swap, and she explained that was because it was also a Christmas and birthday present. Thank you so much Patty - you really pulled one over on me, and it was a lovely surprise!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
What Kind of Reader Are You?
What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Dedicated Reader You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more. | |
Literate Good Citizen | |
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm | |
Book Snob | |
Fad Reader | |
Non-Reader | |
What Kind of Reader Are You? Create Your Own Quiz |
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Sad Dancer
I received an early birthday present in the mail from my sister yesterday. When we were kids my two sisters and I took dancing lessons and danced in recitals. We have always joked about being the Dancing Donnellys (our maiden name). I don't know where she found this picture!
I do remember the costume (my mother made all of our costumes). I think I was supposed to be a teddy bear - see the ears? She also included a necklace with a ballet slipper.
Don't you just love gifts that have so much thought put into them?

Friday, December 08, 2006
KTC Ornament Swap

I received a package from Theresa, my KTC Ornament swap partner, today. I have been admiring these ornaments in the Knit Picks catalog, but didn't think I would have the patience to knit one. Now I have one that I didn't have to knit! Isn't it beautiful?

I just love it. And please notice that I have not eaten the chocolate....yet! There was also a cute card and an adorable oven mitt with cookie mix in it.
Thank you so much Theresa!
We had snow on Monday - not much, just enough for the kids to play in. By yesterday it was gone - but it's snowing again this morning. I guess winter is going to come this year after all.
I had a table at our school's craft fair last night and sold some felted bags and some scarves. They were mostly things I had packed away in a tote, so I was happy to get rid of them and make some more yarn money!
I finished my dishcloth for the Winter Wonderland Swap - It's the December Monthly Dishcloth - a poinsettia.
That, together with the snowflake illusion cloth, some handmade soap, chocolates, and a pattern will go off to my SP this weekend. That will be the last of the packages for the swaps I joined. I just have the Knit Mitt Kit swap left, and that is not supposed to be mailed until January 16, so I will get that together after Christmas.
Christmas shopping is going slowly! I've received some orders from Amazon - but still have a long way to go. I'm also still working on my Christmas cards - they may be done by next Christmas at the rate I'm going!
I had a table at our school's craft fair last night and sold some felted bags and some scarves. They were mostly things I had packed away in a tote, so I was happy to get rid of them and make some more yarn money!
I finished my dishcloth for the Winter Wonderland Swap - It's the December Monthly Dishcloth - a poinsettia.

Christmas shopping is going slowly! I've received some orders from Amazon - but still have a long way to go. I'm also still working on my Christmas cards - they may be done by next Christmas at the rate I'm going!
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