Monday, June 29, 2009
Mr. Moose Makes Himself to Home

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Rainy Sunday and some FOs
Friday, June 26, 2009
No More TGIFs!

I wonder if the spinning wheel is on its way LOL
And the Nora Ephron book is from a co-worker - it's called I Feel Bad About My Neck and other thoughts on being a woman. It's a hilarious look at women who are growing older.
Nora Ephron wrote Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, three of my favorite 'feel good' movies.
I think I need to have a contest in honor of my retirement. As soon as I come up with an idea I'll post it - so stay in touch!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Boxes, boxes everywhere
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
And at the end of the day
I was exhausted and TIRED.
But today the sun can rise and set
And I can remember
Or I can forget
I can get up if I've had enough sleep
Or go back to bed
And count some more sheep (and dream about their fleece)
I can stay in my jammies all day (and knit)
Clean my house, or go on the computer and play.
I can dine on peanut butter and jelly (probably will have to!)
Or go out for lunch and cook nuthin'.
Oh how wonderful just adding a "RE"
in front of "Tired"
Can make your world be!
(adapted from a poem by Thena Smith)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Countdown to Retirement
This past Thursday after school, I headed out to what thought was a cookout up at the Schoodic section of Acadia National Park. When I got there I noticed the cars were all at the Schooner Club, which is a beautiful log building built by the Navy when there was a base there. So...anyway I was a little confused but figured I missed the memo or something (and here I was dressed in jeans for a picnic). So I went in and was talking to some of the teachers who were already there, when I turned around and saw DH standing there. I said something really kind like - What are you doing here? - you're not supposed to be here! Well, you see we used to go to this club a lot when it was a Navy club and I was a little disoriented here! But I soon realized it was a retirement party! It was great fun - a little roasting, but mostly kind words, lots of laughs - and of course many tears on my part. I've spent more time with these people than with my own family, so I'm going to miss seeing them every day more than I can say!
Wish I'd had my camera with me - can't believe I forgot it - so no pics. But there were a lot of pictures taken, so maybe I'll have some to share.
It started raining as we were leaving, and it hasn't stopped since! I do have some knitting pictures to post - but for some reason can't upload - so this will be a photo-free post!
Friday, June 12, 2009
How Sweet the Sweep!
Thank you so much for visiting Fenway Park this week. We really enjoyed having you. Please come back again soon!
Love, (NOT)
The Red Sox
And speaking of red - I do have a WIP. This is the Wavy from Knitty and I'm doing it as a KAL on Patt's Knitting Circle. I'm knitting it with Plymouth Galway wool. An easy knit - but don't try it without a row counter!

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Which Ewe are You?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
More Love!

Saturday, June 06, 2009
You Are Spoiling Me!!!!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Thank You Patty!
I'm just so overwhelmed by the generosity of my online friends I don't know what to say - except THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND! Today I was very surprised to receive a package from Patty in Florida. It was a retirement present (I guess there is no doubt how I will be spending my retirement!) In it was a skein of beautiful Silk Merino from "Politically Incorrect Yarns and Fiber Arts" and a Sushi Blue kit to make a zippered purse from Pick Up Sticks, and as if that wasn't enough a scarf kit from Artsan lace with patterns for three different scarves. I love the colors of all of the yarns. I am so lucky to have friends like Patty! Some day I am going to travel around the country and meet them all in person. Thank you so much! Patty!
I also received a swap package from Valerie for the Whoduknit Scavenger Hunt Swap. You can check out that awsome package on the Whoduknit Blog.