Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Braided Neckpiece

This is the braided neckpiece from the Loop-d-Loop book. It was a really fun knit, once I figured it out. I didn't care for all of the ends I had to weave in though! I would have loved to knit it from the yarn called for in the book, 3 balls of Karabella Yarns "Super Cashmere" (100% cashmere), but at $55.00 a ball it was just a tad over my yarn budget! So I used some bulky LB Wool-Ease instead, because I had some in my stash (who knows why I bought it - must have had something in mind). It needs to be blocked, but with an acrylic yarn, that's not going to do too much for it. I am going to make more of these, the Knit Picks catalog that arrived today has the perfect yarn - Panache - @ $4.99 a ball, and Quarry @ $3.99 a ball both would be perfect for this scarf. Well, yes, of course I know I'm on a yarn diet (you don't have to remind me that my ticker at the top of my blog is not moving along very quickly), but the exception to the rule is that I can buy yarn for gifts, and these scarves are going to be gifts (and one of those gifts is going to be to me!).


jopal said...

I have that book and that is the pattern I bought it for. Haven't tried it yet> Any advice?

Unknown said...

SQUEAL It's so pretty!!! I love it!

danielle said...

That is lovely....and if you need a hint for my Christmas present....I love deep green or deep plum!!! LOL

Unknown said...

I have looked at this pattern, more than once. It fascinates me.

Great job.

Panache is a great yarn!