Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Ten packs of Kool-aid :$2.00, One skein of white Paton's Classic Wool: $4.99, An afternoon of fun with my granddaughter: Priceless!

Mixing up the kool-aid

We tried painting the yarn first Then we tried pouring


Lyndsey-Jane said...

What great fun for your grandaughter. My best friends cousin (who is seven) knits and who I died a skein of arn for, for her brithday would love that. I think I'll have to have a dyeing day with her and emma. I'm using acid dyes now but I do have some Wilton's food dyes from previous dyeing. Can't wait to see the results.

Unknown said...

how wonderful! She'll always remember doing that with you! :) She's gorgeous.

aksunflour said...

Wow, now that is fun at Grandma's. I didn't do that when I went to my Grandma's. (maybe it was because I was to busy getting my younger cousin to eat moose droppings, in all fairness she thought that they were candy!)
Kool-aid at 10 cents a pack? Now that is cheap. Also what a clean dyeing environment- there is no mess!!!

Stephanie... said...

Will you adopt me? Also what is "Rockin' Girl Blogger?"