Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dyed in Kool-Aid

My friend Vigdis in Norway has become addicted to Kool-aid! She doesn't drink it though - she dyes yarn with it. The problem is that she can't get Kool-aid in Norway. So her friends on Whoduknit have been sending it to her by the planeload! I sent her a bunch - and look what I got in the mail today - isn't it beautiful! And with her own label too. Can you believe that was dyed with kool-aid in her kitchen! she has the directions on her blog.

Do you know what the wooden thing in the picture is? Well, I have to admit I didn't either until I asked - isn't this just the greatest idea? And Vigdis makes these too!

I'm inspired to attemped my own dyeing, and have my supplies all ready. Just have to find the time to do it!


Bonnie O. said...

Have fun with that, Jane. Vigdis yarns look beautiful!

Unknown said...


The yarn is beautiful. Good luck with your dyeing!

Mary Lynn

about said...

The wool dyed beautifuly. Aren't you the lucky one. Are the wooden things needle holders?
