This is a Sticky - scroll down for new posts.

This is it - my 300th post - all about ME! So, of course, I'm having a contest. If you read my blog you know lots of weird stuff about me so to enter the contest leave a comment telling me one weird thing about you.
And, If you link my contest on your blog, you will get two chances to win. I'll leave the contest open until Dec. 1 and make it a sticky until then so it will be easy to find. The prize:
This Knitting Needle Knitting Bag from Bag Style, two skeins of Paton's SWS Soy Wool Stripes, 24-Hour Knitting Projects by Rita Weiss, a pair of Bamboo knitting needles....and, there may be some other treats hidden in that bag!

Only one strange thing? Well, let's see. The strangest is that I used to work in a sewage treatment plant in college and we'd find toys flushed down the toilet that would wash up in the plant. We'd bleach them and put them on display in the lab windowsill ;)
Great contest! I never win contests, but it doesn't stop me from entering. :D
Congrats on 300 wonderful posts Jane! :)
(I'm not entering, although I'm weird enough for a million entries, but I'll post a link on my blog!)
Congrats on 300! You look great to be that
I don't like my food to touch other food...I even eat my cereal and drink the milk seperatly. When I order in a resturant, I have them put certain foods on seperate plates. I don't like eggs or gravey touching dry weird!
I guess most people would think I'm weird because I don't like ketchup, mustard, mayo or any kind of salad dressing. Won't touch it!
Now, that chocolate on your blog really makes me drool!
Joan in West Texas
Okay okay, you twisted my arm. :)
I don't use metal spoons with cold things. I will only use plastic spoons when eating anything cold.
Thanks for the contest!
One place I worked had purchased a former funeral home. I had an office in the basement. On rainy days there were faint smells of chemicals down there. Sometimes the chair in the office next to my office would creak as if someone had sat down in it. I would get up to go tell the person who officed in there something and no one would be there. We stored our supplies in the vault that had marble in it. Are you wondering why it had marble? Yes, it was the morgue. There were 6 doors {3 on top, 3 on bottom} you could open into areas where bodies were kept until they were claimed or taken for burial. When the building was first purchased by the company I worked for, the head of maintenance was shocked to open one of the doors and discover the body of a deceased Indian Chief. They contacted someone from the former funeral home and learned he had been forgotten thru the years after the funeral home closed. No one had come to claim him while they were open. As it turns out according to his tribal law, only someone from his tribe could remove him. It took awhile since there were very few tribal members still alive in the area, but they finally found someone who made sure he received a long overdue burial.
That former funeral home provided protection for me in a manner of speaking. One evening I was preparing for an event in the middle of the 3 buildings that were connected when the middle building was built. I needed some special paper that normally was only in Office Services located in the main building. I had justed stepped foot on the last step onto the top floor of the middle building when my feet started feeling like lead. I suddenly remembered someone commenting to me a week earlier they were surprised to find a package of the very paper I needed on the second floor of my building. Was it still there? All I needed to do was get the paper, deliver it to the seminar and I was free to head home for the weekend. Everything else was taken care of, all of the participants were accounted for and the seminar had begun.
I immediately turned and went up to the 2nd floor of my building. Sure enough, there was the package of special paper. My thanks to the wonderful person who put it there! Why you ask? Was I that eager to get home? Yes I was, but the next morning I learned someone was murdered in Office Services at the very time I would have arrived there for the paper.
Did God use my Guardian Angel to help me feel extra tired long enough to turn away from heading to an unforeseen peril? Perhaps the Indian Chief was saying thanks to the company who cared enough to honor his tribal laws by making sure someone placed a package of that particular kind of paper in my building and also making sure someone who did not know I would need it, comment to me in passing that it was there.
I know one thing for sure, this part American Indian girl was thankful to God she did not become a part of a murder mystery, but instead could live to learn who done it. {I promise this really happened!}
HMM, something weird about me? Where to begin!
I hate and will not eat or touch liver or mushrooms!
They are so slimy and uck!
I have NEVER cooked or bought liver -EVER!
I tried doing mushrooms for my BF but couldn't do that either!
I have to breathe a certain way. In once and out twice, but the second exhale is different from the first one. I feel like it really gets the air out of my lungs, where the first exhale is just a "preliminary" breathe to get the main air out. If I don't do this (and I've tried quitting) I feel like I can't breathe.
One thing weird about me is-
All except one of my cars has been green. (I am now on car #6)
I won't step on the cracks in the sidewalk. It's not superstition, I promise! I'll either throw in an extra short step or take a longer step to avoid it...a bit of OCD coming out in me, I suppose.
Oh, and ditto what Jopal said about liver and mushrooms. *shudder* It's a texture thing...the same reason I won't eat shrimp (besides the obvious reason that they look like big bugs *turns slightly green*).
Hi Jane,
Congrats on 300 posts!..That is awesome!!..
As for something weird about's now much but it's all I can think of!..
I ABSOLUTELY HATE having my baby toes touched! lol...I freak out when someone touches them!! I've had this 'issue' since I was a child and I still have
something strange about me? just one?'s one i get made fun of excessively these days.
I have a freakish fear of losing my keys. I lose them at least once a day and start freaking out and throwing stuff everywhere. When whoever is with me finally stands up to look they usually reach somewhere like my jacket pocket where they have been all along. They are always in the obvious places and I never lose them but always flip!
One strange thing about me ........... which one should I choose.......... How about I always wear mismatched earrings. They are a set but not a pair.
Gee, after reading about all the weird people, I've discovered I'm waaaay too normal for this contest! Am I weird for hoarding canned & dried foods? I won't wear heels or pantyhose - absolutely, positively NEVER - maybe that makes me weird.
just one weird thing..... Hmmmm....
I'll get back to you once my family helps me to narrow it
Congrats on the 300th post!
One weird thing about me - when I eat Frosted Mini Wheats, I have to turn all the pieces frosting up before I pour the milk.
This is wierd only because of your other post....I really am not a fan of chocolate. When I do eat it, I only eat milk chocolate (dark chocolate gags me) and only certain chocolates....also the smell of coffee gags and nauseates me...if you want to be mean to me, make me go past a coffee shop and watch me hold my this makes me wierd woman in this day and age!
First off, Congrats on 300 posts! Second, I was sent from Dandy's blog. I think I might stick around and read a bit... Love your projects! Very fun mini bags.
Something weird about me? Well, I used to speed skate, I would hold my breath in the corners... let me tell ya that's a lot of breath to hold during short track season.
And if that wasn't weird enough, when making burial arrangements for my grandma, we had some good laughs in the funeral parlor. Now I don't know, maybe that is just weird to me!
And I will post your contest on my blog! Thank you!
I have a perpetual fear that I will not find a parking place.
congrats on 300!
300 posts is quite a milestone! Out of curiosity I had to go look, and I'm just over halfway there.
Hmm, something weird about me... I can crack my toes without touching them. That's pretty picayune compared to the funeral-home story, I know, but it's the best I can do at the moment.
Weird things about me, there are so many:
If I kiss my darling daughter, I have to kiss both cheeks.\ or it feels "off"
I have a bizarre fear of mice
I can't cross my toes, but everyone in my family, my husband and my daughter can.
I have to take a bath every night before bed or else I sleep like crap.
When crocheting, I count constantly, even when I don't have to and just count randomly.
Congratulations on your 300th post! One weird thing about me, huh? My first word was "Christmas tree", but I only said it once that holiday season, and then not again until the following holiday season. (My second word was "pretty", and it got used a *lot* my first Christmas!)
congrats 300 posts!!! wow!! and one weird thing goodness knows there is NOT just one!! but one thing is I never go barefoot not in the summer or even in my house always wear slippers, sandals,,socks etc!!! and found your blog on the bagaholics group!!! happy I did nice work here!!! will be back!! Hugs Linda
Happy 300!
One weird thing...I only have 3 wisdom teeth. the 4th was never there, not impacted, just not there. And I still have the 3 I was born with. :-)
I will link you up tomorrow's post, Nancy @ the jersey shore sent me
I have 3 extra vertabrae in my spinal column and I have had several psychic episodes, about world disasters and things like that,
I'm not sure what anyone considers stange anymore. My strangeness is so ordinary for me that I don't always realize that others might think them strange. But a few things that Honey tells me is strange is a)I like to have my head scratched and if no one will scratch my head I'm happy and content to do it myself - for hours. 2)I've had a brain tumor for almost 13 years. The doctors told me I had 24 hours when they first found it. It's been a l-o-n-g 24 hours! :) III)I'm a freak for anything tasting pumpkin. Just about everything I eat in the months of October and November tastes of this delicious gourd.
Happy 300th Jane!!
My weird thing is the fact that I LOVE mustard. My absolute favorite is a delicious mustard sandwich. Mustard + Plain Bread == Yummy!!!
Congrats on 300th post! Thats a beautiful bag! Came here through Nancy @jersey shore :) Will try to link a post to my blog tomorrow morning...just one weird
I can't eat M & M's without seperating them into colors and then eat the all chocolate ones last no matter how many int he bunch, but do munch on them by
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Only one weird thing? Okay.
I eat peanut butter from a spoon like it's a lollipop. Seriously, I stick a spoon in the peanut butter jar, scoop up a spoonful of peanut butter, and then lick it off the spoon. I have to add that I live alone and no one else shares the peanut butter jar. If that situation changes, I will get my own personal jar.
But one more bonus weird thing, submitted on behalf of my cat (who is not interested in the prize except for it's edible qualities).
My cat is a self-suckler. She suckles her own teat. Regularly.
So at least twice a day, she curles up on my lap, and suckles herself, while I watch. (Does that make it a weird thing for me too?)
Congrats on your 300th post. I had to ask my daughter something weird about me...and really it's something I thing is genetic...I look/read magazines from back to front. My daughter does it too and I think some of my siblings do too (I'm pretty sure it came by way of my mom).
Wow 300 post neat!
Weird about me??? I am just to think of one? DH say it is weird how I have a nervious habit of shaking one leg like it is shivering. I do not know I am doing it until it is pointed out to me often. Sitting in church last week our middle son ds14 did the same thing dh was ready to climb the wall while it did not bother me one bit. I just said he got that from me. Dh still ask him to stop.
I'll link if I can
Hi! I found your blog (and the contest) from Noricum. I am a very weird person overall, but to find just one weird thing...Okay, how's this? I have a strong belief I must have been a cat in an English Egyptologist's house in my last life (normally I don't believe in an after- or before-life), but I'd like to think it explains my love for cats, a nostalgia for Britain, and a fascination for Egypt, very neatly!
Something strange... I hate for my food to touch on my plate, I am an organizational freak... I have my closet, yarn, shoes all arranged by the rainbow... I have more boxes of things than I know what to do with, but I know where it all is... Even with that said, I have clutter everywhere in my house. I am still a very messy person.
congrats on 300 posts! it is quite an accomplishment.
nancy @ the jersey shore sent me...
one weird thing about me? in true ally mcbeal fashion, i have a theme song... it is by tom jones - "sex bomb". this became my theme song during a particularly rough patch with my husband. i would play it in my head to give me confidence, not because i thought i was, you know - HOT! it became a habit and i now hear it in moments when i need a little bit of extra confidence.
What a great contest. I came by way of: and I'm posting it on my blog.
One weird thing - I eat my food one at a time (and no I don't like them touching either) except I will eat my milk and cereal together. But I will eat one thing, lets say potatoes and then move onto the next thing on my plate. I can't just "mix it up."
Hi Jane Congrats on your Big 3-0-0.
My weird thing - I hate having my ankles touched. Don't mind my feet or legs but stay away from my ankles.
lyndat65 at
okay - i've put a link up on my blog. i'll be coming back to read about other's uniqueness...!
Ummmm....everything about me is weird. Pick one??? OK, when I go to shampoo my hair and put the shampoo in my hand (or conditioner). I have to spread it onto both hands evenly before applying to the head. I do like things symmetrical, after all. Hehehe I like 2 of things so they can be evenly spaced on the shelf. I will rearrange things at people house if it isn't! hehe Symmetry is a good thing.
(I have a tattoo of a microfossil on my ankle, Globigerinelloides prairiehillensis. I don't find that very strange, but some do.)
I hate breathing the same air as other people. As a result I avoid crowds whenever possible and if passing a group of people I hold my breath until they're past. I always have to sleep facing away from my husband for the same reason.
Linked to you on my blog!
Congrats on 300 posts.
My weird thing is that I can't stand anything under my fingernails! Needless to say, no gardening for me.
Hi J--congrats on 300 posts! And that is a fantastic contest prize--I've loved your knitting needle bag since I saw your post with the finished project a bit ago!
Weird? I guess one thing is how anti-technology I am. I very rarely watch TV (only a show here or there online), I despise phones (I don't like to be accessible), I have to deal with the computer but outside of blogland, it's only out of necessity. I'm happiest when I'm living in the woods doing research, miles from any type of gadget, electricity, etc.
Toothpaste when brushing my teeth must enter a specific spot before beginning the brushing ritual, to the back left and bottom or it just doesn't feel 'right' and I have to redo.
i have to limit it to one, eh? hmmmm, lemme think. i don't like "real" wine. i prefer soda pop wines like boones farm or at the most those one wines like peach chardonnay, or black berry merlot. the reason why this is weird? i have a culinary arts degree. but no appreciation for fine wines, lol. at my wedding? no champagne. we had austi spumante, and that was pushing it.
My one weirdness that I've decided to share here is my favorite foods....I eat vanilla ice cream (that's not the weird part) by using Cheetos as scoops! The ice cream cuts the overly cheesey taste of the Cheetos, and the Cheetos cuts the overly sweet taste of the ice cream. Go ahead, give it a know you want to! LOL!
ok.. my weird thing is that when someone tickles me... I can't breathe... I told this to Albert when we first started going out... and he didn't believe me.... so started tickling me and welll I don't know if I started turning blue or not... but he finally got the picture I couldn't breath.... so I threw him a "I told you so!!!"
and all he said was "I didn't think it was true"
Just to let you know - I posted about this on WiKnit, my knitting contest blog. What a great theme for a contest! It's so much fun to read all the comments
Congrats on 300. The only weird thing I can think about me is that I have food texture issues. I don't eat bananas, oatmeal, yogurt, pudding, avocado. I can't eat them.
Oh, where to begin?
Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that I'm really paranoid about running out of gas, so when I'm down to 1/4 tank, I fill up.
Oh, congrats on the 300th!!
You have some adorable projects completed, I love the felted ballet slippers, they are wonderful.
If there isn't a little something weird about a person, they are just boring. I can't tolerate crooked stacks or bundles of paper. Papers have to be lined up and stacked neatly, or stapled together properly. I cannot write on wrinkled paper or in wrinkled notebooks. I can't even stand to be in the same room when my teenage son opens his school binder - way too much messy paper!
Thanks for the contest!
I'll link you up in Sunday Bloglines this morning!
And let's see.. weirdness about me.. There's so much to choose from! haha.
I eat waffle fries row by row. And then I turn them around as I go in an attempt to keep them symmetrical. :o
Congrats on your 300th post :-)
One weird thing about me? I guess it is weird that I think it is normal that my children know how to knit and crochet. I taught them, and nowadays that is weird as no one in this area knits or crochets anymore. They don't know what they are missing... and for that I'd gladly am weird.
I've been wanting to make a bag like that. Where did you find the wooden needles?
Something weird about me- as long as I can remember when I see numbers I try to come up with different ways they can all go together, like if some of them add up to other numbers. I have even done it in my dreams.
Hmm...something weird...I dress up like a character from Star Wars (Snow Trooper) every now and then. LOL
Congrats on the 300th post!
Boy, this is a hard one! I have to choose just one?
I hate to break the binding on any book that I'm reading, when I see people reading a paperback that's folded back on itself I'm screaming on the inside..."Your killing it!"
Therefore, I've very selective on who I lend my books too!
Jane,awesome job on the 300 mark!! I smoke in the shower,because I am not suppose to smoke in the house!!
Congratulations on 300 posts!
One strange thing.... I can't leave a room if a closet is open...
teabird @ ravelry
Congratulations on 300 posts!
One strange thing.... I can't leave a room if a closet is open...
teabird @ ravelry
I don't think this counts as my weird thing, but I just put up my Christmas tree and hung the ornaments you made for me in the swap last year! One weird thing . . . I can't sleep with any open doors in a room. How's that?
Happy 300th post!
I don't have an mp3 player or a cell phone. You may not think that counts as weird, but as a university student that gets me as many funny looks as anything else about me.
Congratulations on 300 posts!
Me weird?
I sleep listening to books on tape. Without it I have terrible trouble sleeping. Television is not a good substitute, nor music. Just a good reader. Now that IS weird.
Just one weird thing? I sleep with a 6-foot-long giant knit squid. Congratulations on your 300th post!
And I just posted a pointer to your contest on my blog (
Oh - and happy 300 and many more!
Congrats on the 300 posts. I can read upside down...I think that is the weird thing about me. I also posted on my blog about your contest.
I can never seem to get my books organized exactly the way I want them. I take them all off the shelf and put them back on according to size, subject, alphabetical by author name, etcetera, only to look at them a few days later and want to do it differently.
When I was 18 I jumped off a bridge and broke my back. (I wasn't trying to hurt myself, we were jumping into the water for fun.) Now, my back will always be broken in those two spots - even when I'm 80 with osteoporosis.
Congrats on 300 posts! I think the weirdest thing about me is my complete dislike of anything with chocolate, coffee, or raspberries. My husband would also say that its weird that I can't stand mustard, mayo, or things made with them either.
Congrats on 300 posts!
My birthday is November 13th and I invariably see 11:13am on my clock every weekday morning at work. So what do I do? I say 'happy birthday' to myself.
Congrats on your 300th post.
What I do that is weird, is that I eat my chips from smallest to biggest.
There are so many weird things about me that I'm not sure which to choose!
I don't drive. I took driver's ed at age 16, got a driver's license (and have renewed it every time it expires), but have never bought insurance and haven't driven on a road since the practical training portion of the driver's ed class. This was over 10 years ago. Since then, I've been behind the wheel of a car only twice, once to move it across an empty parking lot, and once to make a single lap around my own driveway. Both times were terrifying.
I mentioned your contest here, where I also elaborated a bit more on this weird fact, and included a couple of others.
My family thinks I am very weird because I can't stand oreos or cheetos. Or fritos or doritos, for that matter.
Congrats on 300! I love your Knitting Needle bag, have since I first saw it. Anne, the Bag Lady sent me over. One weird thing, um...all my life I've been able to be tickled from across the room. My brother used to do it to me, then my hubby found out and had to try it too. He was so pleased to find out it was true. Needless to say, I am VERY ticklish! I'll be linking you to my blog, too.
What a great bag!! I found you via Anne of, and will link you to my blog later today.
My weird thing? I'm a country girl, but I *HATE* cows. I'm not afraid of them, I just don't care to be near them. Hubby LOVES to stop at one if it is very near - or in - the road when we're at the farm, and will put the window down for extra torture...
Hi, there! I'm not entering in the contest, because I don't want to be one of those folks that only posts with the hopes of winning something and never come back again.
BUT, I have been surfing around your blog after seeing a few people link your contest.
You have a great blog. Nice mix of family and knitting. And you're in Maine and love the Sox. Two of my favorite things!
The hardest thing is to pick only one weird thing. First there was the cat abortion, the possum that visits my deck, my dogs who are, I suspect, are aliens from another world or the time my water broke and labor started right when I bit into a Chili's fajita. We won't go into my flipping bicycle accident that resulted in a broken elbow and smashed wrist. Or the time I almost got arrested in Louisiana for driving over a railroad car.
Probably the weirdest thing I have ever done was to pick up a Dr. Pepper can (I thought it was litter) while working as a social worker and almost getting fired for possession of homemade crack pipe. Yep, the Dr Pepper can was a leftover crack pipe and I didn't know it.
So how is YOUR life?
Nice blog. Found it through Surviving's. One weird thing...I also can't stand pink soap in bathrooms because it dries my hands so much. If i don't have lotion and have to use that soap, i can't do anything until i've put lotion on. I'll link to the contest...
hmmm I could have sworn I left a comment but it is no where to be found... oh well... heres attempt #2:
First off, congrats on 300, and best wishes for many, many more posts.
One weird thing about me... I don't eat the last bite of things, even if they are delicious. I just can't! I'll be sitting there with a nickel-sized bite of hamburger between my fingers, unable to take that final plunge and pop it in my mouth. Drives my husband batty.
And I've linked to your contest on my blog.
I posted earlier and am really having fun reading all the comments! I finally had a chance to add a link on my blog about this contest. {}
It's been surprisingly difficult thinking of one weird thing about me! Long day at work.
How about: I still sleep with my baby blanket and I'm almost 35. Thank goodness it's red and matches my decor :)
Happy 300th!
Congratulations on your 300th post...WOOHOO.
There are many wierd things about me but the fact that nothing moves in the morning til I've have my first cup of coffee is wierd to me.
Of course I will link your contest to my blog. Just look at
Congrats on your 300th post. I don't even keep track, but haven't been blogging all that long. The weirdest thing about me?? I had a new crown put on a tooth and then had to have a root canal done through it. The crown cost $300. The crown came off when the dentist was drilling and he temporarily put it back on--then it came off in my sleep and I swallowed it. Knowing the insurance wouldn't pay for a new one I wasn't sure how I would come up with the money to pay for a new one. Well--voila--2 days later I found it in the bottom of the toilet--and you guessed it--after a little sterilization--well what would you have done. Not sure if that is weird or embarassing? Also not sure if this is a double post or not--I commented a half hour ago but it hasn't shown up yet. Happy knitting and crocheting.
What a fun comment contest. I used to work at the University library in the preservation department. Among other things, I would iron out the wrinkles in old newspapers in preparation for microfilming. (Some papers went back to the late 1800's!)
Congrats on 300th post. :) The weird thing about me is that I make a funny noise with my throat when my ears itch. I will even do this in my sleep. :)
I'll post about your contest tomorrow..I'm picking my winner tonight... :)
What a great contest! And congratulations on all those posts!
Something weird, huh?? Well, how about the fact that I like the smell of skunk. Not an all out blast, mind you, but just a whiff. Like when you're riding along out in the country and all of a sudden the essence of skunk passes into your olfactory realm...
I gotta say, I do like that!
I'll have you linked from my blog within the next few minutes!
happy happy day to you! had to bookmark you! Another new englander (ok so i am no longer there but am a native! :)
Gee, lol, my hubby says just one? Lol, i have a mild case of OCD so... but the big one that comes to mind right now is: hubby and i like to goof around (my family likes to tickle, wrestle, etc) and one day he jokingly put his hands on my throat as we were goofing around as if to strangle me. I started laughing hysterically. I can't help it, no matter what the pressure of the hands is i laugh so hard i almost tear up! He says i would scare any attacker away if he placed his hands on my neck. (i dunno why!)
Congratulations on post #300. Your blog is always one of my daily reads. I guess one of the weirder things about me would be love/addiction to Vicks. Every night before going to sleep I apply my Vicks to the sides of the outside of my nose, under my nose, my eyelids, under my eyes, and the soles of my feet. I'm convinced that without my Vicks I would not sleep. The plus side of this is that if I got up in the middle of the night and surprised a robber I would scare the bejeebes out of him (it's a fiarly frightening sight to say the least): )
Congrats on the 300th post. Your website is lovely, with lots of eye catching things going on.
So what is so weird about me, well I talk to myself...a lot. At work, at home, not in public mind you, but just enough that if you met me at work for the first time, you would think, "Who the heck is the chick? Does she know she is talking to herself?"
My husband of 12 years is used to it, but occasionally he will ask me, "What did you say?" and then he'll correct himself, and say oh yeah talking to herself. I guess talking out loud, not real loud obviously, helps me remember things and work things out. Especially at work.
Another weird thing just happened today. My husband and I are planning a trip to Hawaii, next November. Instead of thinking about the beach or the volcanoes, I am more concerned with what knitting projects I can bring on the plane, total flight time is 24 hours. I'm in Pennsylvania. And also, what can of yarn can I buy in Hawaii? Is it real different, or just lighter materials. Oh, if my husband only knew.
Thanks again for the great reading material that lets me know I am not alone in my weird little world :0
Have a great day!
Sorry, forgot to mention I mentioned your contest and blog on my blog too.
I sure loved reading everyone's posts :)
something weird about me........let's see......I can hyper-extend just about every joint in my body and can pop my hip out whenever I want........not that it's a good thing as when it pops on it's own, it's quite painful. But my knees, my knuckles, my elbows, I can hyper-extend them all......LOL
I'm double jointed in my pinkie. It's weird, and might be genetic as my sister has it too. Other than her though, I've never met someone else who has it.
Gorgeous bag!
Hmmm one weird thing - is it weird I can't choose between two things? I alphabetize lots of things from my spices to my dvd's.
I can't stand to touch vaseline. If I have to apply it - like to my husband's foot - I have to wear gloves.
Congratulations on 300 posts!
Congratulations on 300 posts! I'm a blog newbie in comparison!
Something weird about me???? Is there something NOT weird about me??
I have an absolute fetish for my cats' ears. I have to kiss them about a million times a day, and I rub them a lot. I have some very tolerant cats....
I can't stand to have any pressure at all on the top of my head or the tips of my toes. It makes me crazy.
First of all congrats on your
300th post.
I suppose the weirdest thing about me is that I'm compulsively early.
No matter what I'm doing, I have to be there early.
Now my husband on the other hand, is compulsively late.
It's made for some very interesting rides in the car.
Congratulations on lots and lots of posts!
A weird thing about me...hmmm...well, first, look up what "sleep paralysis" is. (This is my favorite weird thing to talk about, by the way.) There's this weird phenomenon that's been happening to me since I was about 12, where I will randomly wake up in the middle of the night and be completely unable to move for about a minute and a half. It's pretty terrifying, but really also really interesting. But I've become so adjusted to it that I know exactly what causes it for me, how to get out of it when it happens, how to predict if it's going to happen before I fall asleep (if I lie down and my body feels like it's sinking for a few seconds, that's the sign), and I can even wake myself from a dream a couple of seconds early to prevent it.
Actually, it's really cool stuff, I totally recommend reading about it. (Supposedly people who believe they've been abducted by aliens have just suffered a sleep paralysis episode.)
Um, thanks!
HMMMMMNNNNN....something weird about me? I have all the tools, sewing machine and lots of fabric to do quilting....have had it for several years. And, I don't know how to sew. Can't even do a straight line.
Joanie R.
I dip potato chips in ketchup and veggie dip and chip dip. Things like the Bermuda Triangle and supernatural things like that freak me out yet they fascinate me.
Congrats on 300! Thanks for the contest. I've also provided the link on my blog, too.
Something weird about me...
I am afraid of people greeters at stores like Walmart. To the point that I'll purposed go in through the out door to avoid them. :-)
Hmm - one weird thing about me - I don't have a blog!
I love contests.
Yours has been linked to my blog, but I am a lst minute player, but I made it before it ended i hope
Something weird about me...
I can write whole pages of words backwords... yes that's sdrowkcab
Let's see . . . One weird thing about me? There are several, but I think the weirdest is that the first thing I notice about a car is the license plate, and I can almost always figure out what a personalized plate says (unless it's initials).
Congratulations on making 300 Posts! That is an acheivement and a reason to celebrate !
The weird thing about me is I always wind up finding out about sales (and contests) a day after the deadline ! ....and here is the proof! I too late?
300 posts! Wow!!
One thing weird about me....when not knitting I play bass drums in a Steel Band Orchestra. Yes, 6 full-size oil drums. It's a blast.
I found you through this link:
One weird thing about me is that I am double jointed in my shoulders, elbows, and jaw, which enables me to do a plethora of party tricks. Going to my blog to post now!
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