beautiful one stitch at a time! 

So, what are you doing to make the world more beautiful? At my house we have started composting, not exactly a beautiful thing - but it may lead to a beautiful garden with more home grown veggies, etc. So...to enter my contest, leave a comment on this post telling me what you are doing to make the world more beautiful - it can be serious, or it can be funny (I like to laugh!). The contest will run until the end of the month. Link my contest on your blog and you will get two chances to win. On July 31 I'll draw three names and each will win one of these hand-crocheted market bags - one more way to make the world more beautiful!
( If Blogger won't let you comment, you can e-mail me (grammieknits@yahoo.com) with your plan to make the world more beautiful.)

oooh oooh me first... woo hoo
I am losing weight so my obese state will no longer add ugliness to the world and my new trim figure will add beauty even at a grandmothers age.
Ok it was all I got, it's been a rough week, lol
I like to think I'm adding beauty to the world just by being me.
Seriously, though, I'm a gardener, and I think the roses and other flowers that I grow make the world (at least this small part of it) more beautiful.
In the last month we have painted and fixed our place up and have put in beautiful brick pavers in part of our yard. And this week we are having a water fountain and a patio table and benches delivered and set up. Also putting out new solar lights outside. And of course, I am knitting things like a Lucy bag and some baby booties.
Hugs Patt
This gave me something to think about, how am I adding beauty to the world? I decided to start wearing an old flour bag over my head until I knit something that I can slip over it when I go out into the world :-) And I am planning the garden for my new house, which will have as much zeroscaping as possible, but still be pretty.
I knit or crochet shopping bags, sometimes from yarn or thread, but also from cut up plastic bags.
I'm also in the middle of a kitchen remodel. That's going to get rid of a LOT of ugliness in my personal world!
I also compost, and recycle everything I can.
I've put your contest on my blog. I also copied "scategorie" onto my blog.
I have been sewing green grocery bags and giving them away, or at least I was until I broke my wrist, I was giving them away to just about everyone I ran into as well asd having contests on my blog for them. I will resume doing this as soon as I heal.
Hello there Jane,
We do raised bed gardening and used to compost until our city told us that we couldn't . . . seems you can have a delapidated car in your yard but a pile of grass and leaves just isn't allowed. But, our garden is grand with lots of fresh veggies. I also used public transportation as much as possible.
I wish you well with your garden!
Let's see - in my house I am, according to the family, the Recycling Queen (altho I think I hear the B word muttered under their breath with that). Currently I save all glass/pplastic bottles for a student I had last semester who is helping pay her way thru nursing school by recycling. I also keep a lot of reuseable bags in my truck for shopping - they do not wear out as I usually remember that I forgot to bring them in as I am walking back to the car with the cart full of those dreaded plastic bags!
PS Bruno is adorable!
I colored my hair so the ugly roots wouldn't show!
I do garden and compost and lately have started saving soda can pull tabs for donation. http://www.pulltabsforcharity.org/home.html. I drink a lot of DDP!
I'm a teacher and I believe that I'm helping to make the world a better place through the children I teach. Hopefully they will carry something from our time together in class out into the world and make a difference themselves. I also can't help but think that my knitting is helping to make the world a more beautiful place for someone.
Our garden is more for food than for beauty (although I think it's beautiful too), but the honeysuckle in front of the house is there to feed the hummingbirds and those are definitely beautiful.
how am I going to make the world more beautiful..... I'm going to pick out all the weeds outta my flower bed so you can actually SEE the flowers!!
I am trying to drive less, only make 2 trips to town a week, instead of 4, recycling, taking my own bags to the grocery store. I have tried to knit a bag similar to yours to no avail, so instead I am recycling the yarn and making a ponchette.
I tried leaving a comment once, now I'll try again. I've been reading a book called Organizing from the Inside Out, and now that my trips for the summer are finished, I plan to work on our house, starting with the basement, to make it a nice retreat for our family and friends. Hopefully I can keep up with the motivation to get the job done! I'll knit in between, of course :)
Oh I love this contest!!!! What a great idea! Well, we bought a little piece of property in Blue Ridge, GA (about 3 acres) and have spent our first couple of months here cleaning it up! We have removed (lots of) trash, gotten the pond back up to par, put in a garden, started a compost pile, and have had our property declared a Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. And, we have stopped using plastic bags, we recycle and reuse, buy local/organic or grow our own food whenever possible, started a yarn company that supports eco-friendly practices and buying locally AND we have another website at www.smallerfootprint.net that showcases ways we can improve the way we live and decrease our human footprint.
WHEW!!! Can you tell we are serious about this????
Did I win yet??? :)
I think my knit socks add quite a bit of beautiful controversy to the world! I'm in the midst of making mismatched Dobby socks for my grands.
i've always been a green girl (and now 17 years later hubby has caught on as well!) I at work have slowly switched out products over to as eco friendly as possible. I work in a day spa and all the girls have been very happy with the switch. (now i just need to get the buildings owner to get us our recycling cans back!, smile)
Oh...that tree and garden hose, wow!!
I've really been trying not to use so much PAPER. instead of tossing out a sheet with only a small portion of it used, I'll keep it for notes until both sides are all used up.
At our house we definitely use our recycle bins and I reuse our paper bags everytime I go shopping. I use the plastic bags when poo scoopin..lol I'm also making more market bags to use.
Love the pics of the tree and hose, really neat!!
I am "anti-bag" and use the recyclable bags from Kroger and Publix or just go without bags at all. At the gift shop of the hospital I work at I have them "trained" NOT to give me a bag. When I purchase smaller items at a store I tell them "no bag" and that I'll put it in my purse. I always follow by saying "go green!"
I use any kind of recylable bag at the grocery..the cotton ones Mary made me, canvas bags, whatever. If I do have any plastic ones (produce included) I use them for cat litter waste. I household recycle. I've been trying to do laundry in cold water. At work I'll re-use the reverse side of paper if it's not sensitive for printing things that are just for the files. I bring my lunch in a insulated tote. I let mother nature water my lawn. (I do water my container flowers, but sparingly---I try to get drought tolerant flowers). I don't use chemicals on my gardens/flowers, I garden for the birds and the bees. I buy "energy saver" items when I see that blue tag. I try to do my part to go green however small...
Hi, I just discovered your site and it's great. I have been knitting a Re-Usable Swiffer Dust Cloth and next I'm going to knit a Mr. Clean MagicReach Cloth. I also garden and recycle. This is a great contest. Good luck to all the entries.
I'm trying to make the world prettier and better by using cloth napkins (no paper) and by recycling and using the recycling money to buy beautiful fabric and yarns...
We started using the reusable grocery bags so that we don't have all that plastic bags(although they are good for kitty litter).
My dd and I are cleaning up some of the scrap metal around the farm. It looks nicer while it also helps her Explore America fund. We are also re-using bags and bringing our own to the grocery store. Your bag would be a welcome addition to dress up our store bought bags.
I carry a zip-up bag in my purse for small purchases, rather than getting another bag, I recycle everything I can in our bins, I don't buy bottled water (tap water is good), I use re-usablebags for groceries when ever possible, I combine errands/driving into town when ever possibe.
I do my best to be a happy and cheerful person, sharing myself with others around me. (I think that may be the best way to make the world moe beautiful.)
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