This felted bowl was made with one skein (doubled) of knitpicks Memories yarn in Geranium. The colors didn't pool as much as I thought they would. I was hoping it would look more like Mexican pottery, but I like it anyway. With another skein of the same yarn I made the tea cup and saucer. I think they are adorable, and would love to make a whole set, including the teapot for my granddaughter.
For the bowl:
CO 80 sts on size 8 16" circular needles. Join and knit in the round for about 5".
Start decreasing 6 sts evenly space every other row until you are down to about 40 sts. and then every row until you are down to 4 sts. (switching to dps when necessary) Draw yarn through the remaining sts and fasten off. Felt as usual and block over a bowl.
For the saucer:
Make as for the bowl, except knit around for only 1" before starting the decreases. Felt and block over a bowl.
For the teacup:
CO 35 sts. on size 8 needles, work around for about 5" and then start decreasing 4 sts. every row until there are 4 sts. left. Pull through and fasten off.
Handle: Make a 4 sts I cord about 6" long and sew in place on cup.
Felt as usual and block over a glass.
I love the tea cup -- so simple but so clever. Thanks for sharing the pattern. I'll be amking some of these in the future.
These are wonderful. I love the tea cup. I can see my 12 year old loving to have a tea cup/saucer and maybe a small bowl to put on her dresser for all her little hair do-dads!
Mary Lynn
I *gasped* in delight when I spotted the tea cup and saucer on the One Skein KAL. I can't wait to see if I have the perfect yarn to try out your pattern. Thanks so very much for sharing. I'll be checking back for the tea pot.
How cute! I love the tea cup and saucer.
Just checking back with the code. You need to be in it! Look at all the fun stuff people are missing! Get that code back in! I e-mailed it to you via ringsurf, let me know if you need me to e-mail it with my own e-mail account.
Gorgeous! Thanks so much for the tea cup pattern! Great for gifts!
Awesome job!
I have felted bags before but never a bowl. Never even thought doing something lie a cup and saucer. Thanks for the pattern and the inspiration!
Thank you for the patterns. I am in a tea swap and can't wait to make the felted teacup and saucer. Beats worry about the china teacup and saucer breaking in transit.
Those are adorable. Thanks for the patterns, someday maybe I'll have time to make some. My mom collects teacups, so how neat.
They are so cute! I can't wait to make them. Thank you for sharing!
I absolutely love the tea cup and since I love my coffee I WILL be making myself a fekted coffe cup. THANK YOU
Absolutely adorable!!!! I love tea cups and I have to put this on my knit-list! Thanks!
The teacup and saucer are fabulous! Thank you, again, for sharing your wonderful patterns!
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for the pattern. I'm going to make a teacup for my tea swap secret pal.
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