It's a beautiful, crisp, fall day out today - and I have the house all to myself! DH is at the lake this weekend, where I am sure it is also beautiful, but I have too much to do at home. This picture was taken last year - the foliage really isn't that colorful yet, but it will be soon.
Like, for example, the Christmas Mysteries KAL began today! The first two patterns are up and I've already CO for one of them, a really cool hat. If you haven't joined yet - hurry on over! Terry and Mindy have lots more planned from now until Christmas, and then....they will be gone - so don't miss out!
My Mystery Stole is on hold. I really don't like the way the beads are showing up - they are blending in too much. So, I've decided to order different beads, just trying to decide what color will look best.
I've sent out my 'seedling' for my Traveling Noro Scarf, and I'm waiting patiently for my upstream's seedling to arrive. There are new Traveling Scarf groups forming all the time on Ravelry. The latest one is a Teachers Traveling Scarf - I'm tempted, but I'm resisting so far.
I've already mentioned (and recruited two team members) the Survivors Ready Group that I'm in - I think there is still room in Group 9! That led me to The Amazing Race Group 8 where I've been assigned Terrance and Sarah. Besides the Red Sox (two games away from clinching at least the wild card btw) those are my two favorite shows. It will be fun having a group to discuss the shows with and rooting for my 'people'! (Unless they are voted off or lose the first race of course.)
I just started a new James Patterson book, Sail, which is promising to be a hard one to put down.
Oh, and then of course there is the laundry, cleaning , grocery shopping to do - but first - just one more row? just one more page?
1 comment:
Can I come visit you next year Jane, you make Maine look so wonderful.
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