Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunless Sunday

There is no sun here today, but we are way better off than the folks on the Texas Gulf.
Seas are much calmer on the Maine coast where my grandson, a 4th generation lobsterman, and his mom (my DD) a 1st generation sternman (or 'sternmom' as she likes to be called) are hauling his traps on the Gemini. Although Jacob has his lobster license and he and his twin sister own their own boat, he is just 15, and has to be 16 before he can go out without an adult - thus my DD's new career (which she seems to be enjoying!).


Aunt Kathy said...

Great picture Jane... I'd love to go lobster hunting some day

Unknown said...

Your daughter looks like she could be Jacob's sister! What great fun.

jopal said...

Great picture! Love his t shirt - I have the same one!